Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Sample Essay About My Grandmother

Sample Essay About My GrandmotherSample essay about my grandmother has to be the best essay to write about anyone. It can deal with topics that may appear a bit sensitive and is an excellent way to move on from grief, hurt and anger to a more positive and productive mode of expression. It is sad that this fact is often forgotten, and the sufferer will therefore have to work harder to bring about change in the daily activities of life.I will never forget the day when I learned of my grandmother's relationship with her husband. As the subject for this essay was a very sad and tragic story, I still had my grandmother's wonderful qualities and I felt a burden of sadness and grief over her being married off to another man. The more I thought about the subject, the more I realized that writing this particular essay would help me not only to confront my own feelings, but would also encourage me to communicate them more effectively and forcefully to someone else.This sample essay was written in December 2020 after my grandmother had died. Although I had been in mourning for some time, I felt I had to write it down, so that others could not read my personal feelings, but rather allow them to be communicated to a friend or a relative who would be listening. It is especially difficult to write this type of essay in the first place, because grief is more intense than the emotion of anger. So writing it down, made me realise how far I had to go to overcome my own feelings of grief and sadness.You must not let yourself sink into despair; instead, face what you feel. You must also remember that although your grandmother may have passed away several years ago, she is not actually dead. Her soul lives on in the person you are now. So you must speak and write with the hope of inspiring others to overcome their own grief. The first stage of this article will focus on this point and after that will discuss how you can begin to make a difference in your own life.We may sometimes th ink that our pain is deep and all consuming, but this is not true. After all, we are all born with a soul, and the soul is capable of receiving love from another person.You must find a way to communicate with others and convince them to share your feelings, because you will not survive unless they do. There is a saying that the higher the degree of love you receive, the better you feel and so it is with the person whom you love.One of the reasons why so many people choose to share their feelings and experiences with others is that they need to know that someone is there and ready to listen. If you can find someone who has the capacity to listen and understands, then sharing your deepest and darkest thoughts with him or her may be much more beneficial.Sample Essay about my grandmother was written shortly after my grandmother's death and so I cannot say if it was the right choice or not. I hope you are able to understand where I am coming from and I hope that you will take it upon you rself to connect with someone who can benefit from what you say and understand your feelings.

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